Teeken & Teeken

Importer Of Handmade Jewelry

The jewelry is made to order. The expected delivery time is 6 weeks.

Updated on 11th of september 2024

     Table of contents

         Article 1 – Definitions
         Article 2 – Identity of the entrepreneur
         Article 3 – Applicability
         Article 4 – The offer
         Article 5 – The agreement
         Article 6 – Right of withdrawal
         Article 7 – Costs in case of withdrawal
         Article 8 – Exclusion of right of withdrawal
         Article 9 – The price
         Article 10 – Conformity and warranty
         Article 11 – Delivery and execution
         Article 12 – Complaints procedure
         Article 13 – Disputes
         Article 14 – Additional or deviating provisions
         Article 15 – Intellectual Property
         Article 16 – Termination of use
         Article 17 – Liability
         Article 18 – Returns
         Article 19 – Privacy
         Article 20 – Infringement
         Article 21 – Waiver
         Article 22 – Entire Agreement
         Article 23 – Update Terms & Conditions
         Article 24 – Choice of law and jurisdiction
         Artikel 25 – Bundles


Article 1 – Definitions

In these conditions the following terms shall have the following meanings:

1. Reflection period: the period within which the consumer can make use of his right of withdrawal;

2. Consumer: the natural person who is not acting in the exercise of a profession or business and who enters into a distance contract with the entrepreneur;

3. Day: calendar day;

4. Duration transaction: a distance contract relating to a series of products and/or services, the delivery and/or purchase obligation of which is spread over time;

5. Durable medium: any instrument that enables the consumer or entrepreneur to store information addressed personally to him in a way accessible for future consultation and unaltered reproduction of the stored information.

6. Right of withdrawal: the possibility for the consumer to cancel the distance contract within the cooling-off period;

7. Model form: the model withdrawal form that the entrepreneur makes available that a consumer can fill in when he wants to make use of his right of withdrawal.

8. Entrepreneur: the natural or legal person who offers products and/or services to consumers at a distance;

9. Distance contract: an agreement whereby, within the framework of a system organized by the entrepreneur for the distance sale of products and/or services, up to and including the conclusion of the agreement, exclusive use is made of one or more techniques for distance communication;

10. Technology for distance communication: means that can be used to conclude an agreement, without the consumer and entrepreneur being together in the same place at the same time.

11. General Terms and Conditions: the present General Terms and Conditions of the entrepreneur.



Article 2 – Identity of the entrepreneur

Teeken & Teeken
Bolderik 15
5803 BP Venray
The Netherlands
E-mail: info@teeken-and-teeken.com
KVK 81508379
VAT number NL 862120019B01



Article 3 – Applicability

1. These general terms and conditions apply to every offer from the entrepreneur and to every distance contract and orders concluded between entrepreneur and consumer. By registering with, accessing or otherwise using this site,
you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. Using this site implies that you have taken note of these terms and conditions and accept them. In some specific cases we may also ask you to expressly agree.

2. Before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions will be made available to the consumer.
If this is not reasonably possible, it will be indicated before the distance contract is concluded that the general terms and conditions
are available for inspection at the entrepreneur and that they will be sent free of charge to the consumer as soon as possible at the consumer's request.

3. If the distance contract is concluded electronically, notwithstanding the previous paragraph and before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions may be made available to the consumer electronically in such a way that the consumer can easily store them on a durable data carrier. If this is not reasonably possible, it will be indicated before the distance contract is concluded where the general terms and conditions can be consulted electronically and that they will be sent free of charge electronically or otherwise at the consumer's request.

4. In the event that specific product or service conditions apply in addition to these general terms and conditions, the second and third paragraphs apply accordingly and the consumer can always invoke the applicable provision that is most favorable to him in the event of conflicting general terms and conditions.

5. If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions are at any time wholly or partially null and void or are annulled, the agreement and these terms and conditions will otherwise remain in force and the provision in question will be replaced without delay by mutual agreement by a provision that approximates the purport of the original as closely as possible.

6. Situations that are not covered by these general terms and conditions should be assessed ‘in the spirit’ of these general terms and conditions.

7. Any ambiguities regarding the interpretation or content of one or more provisions of our terms and conditions should be interpreted ‘in the spirit’ of
these general terms and conditions.

8. By using this site or communicating with us digitally, you agree and acknowledge that we may communicate with you digitally via our site or by sending you an e-mail, and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you digitally comply with all legal requirements, including but not limited to the requirement that such communications be in writing.


Article 4 – The offer

1. If an offer has a limited period of validity or is made subject to conditions, this will be explicitly stated in the offer.

2. The offer is without obligation. The entrepreneur is entitled to change and adjust the offer.

3. The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the products and/or services offered. The description is sufficiently detailed to enable the consumer to properly assess the offer. If the entrepreneur uses images, these are a true representation of the products and/or services offered. Obvious mistakes or obvious errors in the offer do not bind the

4. All images, specifications and data in the offer are indicative and cannot give rise to compensation or termination of the agreement.

5. Images of products are a true representation of the products offered. The entrepreneur cannot guarantee that the
displayed colours exactly match the real colours of the products.

6. Each offer contains such information that it is clear to the consumer what rights and obligations are associated with accepting the offer. This concerns in particular:
the price including taxes;
any shipping costs;
the manner in which the agreement will be concluded and which actions are required for this;
whether or not the right of withdrawal applies;
the method of payment, delivery and execution of the agreement;
the term for accepting the offer, or the term within which the entrepreneur guarantees the price;
the amount of the rate for distance communication if the costs of using the distance communication technique are calculated on a basis other than the regular basic rate for the means of communication used;
whether the agreement is archived after it has been concluded, and if so, in which way it can be consulted by the consumer;
the manner in which the consumer can check the data provided by him in the context of the agreement before concluding the agreement and, if necessary, correct it;
any other languages ​​in which, in addition to Dutch, the agreement can be concluded; the codes of conduct to which the entrepreneur has submitted and the manner in which the consumer can consult these codes of conduct electronically; and the minimum duration of the distance contract in the event of a continuous transaction.



Article 5 – The agreement

1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, the agreement is concluded at the moment the consumer accepts the offer and meets the conditions set.

2. If the consumer has accepted the offer electronically, the entrepreneur will immediately confirm receipt
of the acceptance of the offer electronically. As long as the agreement of this acceptance has not been confirmed by the entrepreneur, the consumer can dissolve the agreement.

3. If the agreement is concluded electronically, the entrepreneur will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the electronic transfer of data and ensure a secure web environment. If the consumer can pay electronically, the entrepreneur will observe appropriate security measures.

4. The entrepreneur can – within legal frameworks – inform himself whether the consumer can meet his payment obligations, as well as all those facts and factors that are important for responsibly entering into the distance contract. If the entrepreneur has good reasons not to enter into the agreement based on this investigation, he is entitled to refuse an order or request with reasons or to attach special conditions to the execution.

5. The entrepreneur will send the following information to the consumer with the product or service, in writing or in such a way that the consumer can store it in an accessible manner on a durable data carrier:

the visiting address of the entrepreneur's establishment where the consumer can go with complaints;
the conditions under which and the manner in which the consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal, or a clear statement regarding the exclusion of the right of withdrawal;
the information about guarantees and existing after-sales service;
the information included in article 4 paragraph 3 of these conditions, unless the entrepreneur has already provided this information to the consumer before the execution of the agreement.

6. In the event of a continuing transaction, the provision in the previous paragraph only applies to the first delivery.

7. Each agreement is entered into under the suspensive conditions of sufficient availability of the products concerned.



Article 6 – Right of withdrawal

When delivering products:

1. When purchasing products, the consumer has the option to dissolve the agreement without giving reasons for 14 days. This cooling-off period commences on the day after the consumer receives the product.

2. During the cooling-off period, the consumer will handle the product and packaging with care. He will only unpack or use the product to the extent necessary to assess whether he wishes to keep the product. If he exercises his right of withdrawal, he will return the product with all accessories supplied and - if reasonably possible - in the original condition and packaging to the entrepreneur, in accordance with the reasonable and clear instructions provided by the entrepreneur.

3. If the consumer wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, he is obliged to notify the entrepreneur of this within 14 days of receiving the product. The consumer must make this known via the returns platform.
After the consumer has indicated that he wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, the customer must return the product within 14 days. The consumer must prove that the delivered goods have been returned on time, for example by means of proof of shipment.

4. If the customer has not indicated that he wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal after the expiry of the periods mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 or has not returned the product to the entrepreneur, the purchase is a fact.



Article 7 – Costs in case of withdrawal

1. If the consumer exercises his right of withdrawal, at most the costs of return will be at his expense.

2. If the consumer has paid an amount, the entrepreneur will refund this amount as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after withdrawal. The condition is that the product has already been received by the online retailer or conclusive proof of complete return can be provided.
Refund will be made via the same payment method used by the consumer, unless the consumer expressly gives permission for a different payment method.

3. In the event of damage to the product due to careless handling by the consumer, the consumer is liable for any decrease in value of the product.

4. The consumer cannot be held liable for any decrease in value of the product if the entrepreneur has not provided all legally required information about the right of withdrawal; this must be done before concluding the purchase agreement.



Article 8 – Exclusion of the right of withdrawal

1. The entrepreneur can exclude the consumer's right of withdrawal for products as described in paragraph 2.
The exclusion of the right of withdrawal only applies if the entrepreneur has clearly stated this in the offer, at least in good time before the conclusion of the agreement.

2. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for products:
that have been created by the entrepreneur in accordance with the consumer's specifications;
that are clearly personal in nature;
that cannot be returned due to their nature;
whose price is subject to fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no influence.



Article 9 – The Price

1. During the validity period stated in the offer, the prices of the products and/or services offered will not be increased, except for price changes due to changes in VAT rates.

2. In deviation from the previous paragraph, the entrepreneur can offer products or services with variable prices, the prices of which are subject to fluctuations in the financial market and over which the entrepreneur has no influence. This subjection to fluctuations and the fact that any stated prices are target prices will be stated in the offer.

3. Price increases within 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement are only permitted if they are the result of statutory regulations or provisions.

4. Price increases from 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement are only permitted if the entrepreneur has stipulated this and:
these are the result of statutory regulations or provisions;
or the consumer has the authority to terminate the agreement with effect from the day on which the price increase takes effect.

5. The prices mentioned in the offer of products or services are inclusive of VAT.

6. All prices are subject to printing and typing errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of printing and typing errors.
In case of printing and typing errors, the entrepreneur is not obliged to deliver the product at the incorrect price.



Article 10 – Conformity and warranty

1. The entrepreneur guarantees that the products comply with the agreement, the specifications stated in the offer, the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability and the legal provisions and/or government regulations in force on the date the agreement was concluded.

2. A guarantee provided by the entrepreneur, manufacturer or importer does not affect the legal rights and claims that the consumer can assert against the entrepreneur under the agreement.

3. Any defects or incorrectly delivered products must be reported to the entrepreneur in writing within 2 months of receipt.
This can be done via the following e-mail address: customer-service@teeken-and-teeken.com
In your message, state the article number, order number and describe the defect.
The article number and order number can be found on your invoice.
Take a photo of the jewelry and a close-up photo of the defect and send it as an attachment in your email message.
Within 5 working days of receiving your message, you will be contacted by telephone or in writing to handle it further.

4. Jewelry is guaranteed for 2 months with normal use on material and manufacturing defects from the moment the item is purchased.
Loss and/or damage to stones, scratches or damage due to improper use and/or accidents, discoloration due to water, perfume, soap, lotions, creams, the acidity of the skin or other chemicals and/or wear and tear are all excluded from the warranty.
The warranty also expires if the item has been modified or repaired by a third party.
For gold-plated items, discoloration or wearing away of the gold-plated layer due to contact with water, perfume, soap, lotions, creams, the acidity of the skin, cleaning agents or other chemicals and/or wear and tear is not covered by the warranty.

5. This site and all content on the site are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. We expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding the availability, accuracy or completeness of the Content.
We do not warrant that:
this site or our products will meet your requirements;
this site will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free basis;
the quality of any product or service purchased or obtained by you through this site will meet your expectations.



Article 11 – Delivery and execution

1. The entrepreneur will take the greatest possible care when receiving and executing orders for products.

2. The place of delivery is the address that the consumer has made known to the company.

3. With due observance of what is stated in paragraph 4 of this article, the company will execute accepted orders with due speed but at the latest within 30 working days, unless the consumer has agreed to a longer delivery period. If the delivery is delayed, or if an order cannot be executed or can only be executed in part, the consumer will be notified of this no later than 30 working days after placing the order. In that case, the consumer has the right to terminate the agreement without costs. The consumer is not entitled to compensation.

4. All delivery times are indicative. The consumer cannot derive any rights from any stated terms. Exceeding a term does not entitle the consumer to compensation.

5. In the event of dissolution in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, the entrepreneur will refund the amount paid by the consumer as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after dissolution.

6. If delivery of an ordered product proves impossible, the entrepreneur will refund the full purchase price within 14 days after it has become known that the product can no longer be delivered.

7. The risk of damage and/or loss of products rests with the entrepreneur until the moment of delivery to the consumer.


Article 12 – Complaints procedure

In the event of complaints, a consumer must first contact the entrepreneur. If the web shop is affiliated with WebwinkelKeur and in the event of complaints that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer must contact WebwinkelKeur (www.webwinkelkeur.nl), which will mediate free of charge. Check if this webshop has a current membership via  https://www.webwinkelkeur.nl/leden/. If no solution is reached, the consumer has the option to have his complaint handled by the independent disputes committee appointed by WebwinkelKeur, the decision of which is binding and both the entrepreneur and the consumer agree to this binding decision. Submitting a dispute to this disputes committee involves costs that must be paid by the consumer to the committee in question.


Article 13 – Disputes

1. Agreements between the entrepreneur and the consumer to which these general terms and conditions apply are exclusively governed by Dutch law. Even if the consumer resides abroad.

2. The Vienna Sales Convention does not apply.

Article 14 – Additional or deviating provisions

Additional or deviating provisions from these general terms and conditions may not be to the detriment of the consumer and must be recorded in writing or in such a way that they can be stored by the consumer in an accessible manner on a durable data carrier.


Article 15 – Intellectual property

1. We or our licensors own and control all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the Site and the data, information and other resources displayed by or accessible on the Site.

2. All rights reserved
Unless otherwise indicated in a specific piece of content, no license or other right is granted to you under any copyright,
trademark, patent or other intellectual property right.
This means that you will not use, copy, reproduce, perform, display, distribute, incorporate into any electronic medium, modify, reverse engineer, decompile, transfer, download, transmit, monetize, sell, market or commercialize any content from this Site in any form without our prior written permission, except and only to the extent otherwise provided in mandatory law (such as the right to quote).

3. Third Party Ownership
Our site may contain hyperlinks or other references to other parties’ sites. We do not monitor or review the content of other parties’ sites that are linked from this site. Products or services offered by other sites are subject to the applicable terms and conditions of those third parties. The opinions or material on those sites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by us.
We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those sites. You assume all risks associated with the use of these sites and any related third party services.
We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage, howsoever arising, resulting from your providing personal information to third parties.


Article 16 – Termination of use

1. We may, in our sole discretion, at any time, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, access to the Site or any service therein.
You agree that we shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of your access
to or use of the Site or any content you may have shared on the Site. You shall not be entitled to any compensation or other payment even if certain features, settings and/or content you have contributed or come to rely on are permanently lost. You shall not circumvent or attempt to circumvent any access restriction measures on our Site.


Article 17 – Liability

1. The following provisions of this section shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and shall not limit or exclude our liability where it would be unlawful or prohibited to do so. In no event shall we be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage (including loss of profit or revenue, loss of or corruption of data, software or databases, loss of or damage to property or data) incurred by you or a third party arising out of your access to, or use of, our site.
Unless otherwise expressly provided in an additional contract, our maximum liability to you for all losses arising out of or in connection with the site or any products or services marketed or sold through the site, regardless of the cause of action giving rise to such liability, shall be limited to the total price paid by you to us to purchase such products or services or to use the site. Such limitation shall apply to all your claims of every kind and nature.

Article 18 – Returns

1. Returns of purchased jewelry, in connection with the right of withdrawal or with defective jewelry that falls within the warranty, must be made exclusively via our returns platform. No other method of return will be accepted by us. More information about returning shipments can be found on the General Information page.

Artikel 19 – Privacy

1. In order to access our site and/or services, you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself as part of the registration process. You agree that all information you provide will always be accurate, correct and current. We take the handling of your personal data seriously and are committed to protecting your privacy.
We will not use your email address for unsolicited email. Any emails sent by us to you will only be sent to you in connection with the delivery of agreed products or services.
We have developed a policy to address any potential privacy concerns.
For more information, please see our Privacy Statement and our Cookie Policy.


Article 20 – Infringement

1. Without prejudice to our other rights under these Terms, if you breach these Terms in any way, we may take such action as we deem appropriate to deal with the breach, including temporarily or permanently suspending your access to the Site, contacting your internet service provider to request that they block your access to the Site, and/or taking legal action against you.

2. Except for the obligation to pay a sum of money, no delay, failure or neglect by either party in performing or fulfilling any of its obligations under these Terms will be considered a breach of these
Terms if and for so long as such delay, failure or neglect arises from a cause beyond the reasonable control of that party.

3. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and
expenses, relating to your breach of these Terms and applicable laws, including intellectual property rights and privacy rights. You shall promptly indemnify us for our damages, losses, costs and expenses relating to or arising out of such claims.


Article 21 - Waiver

Failure to enforce any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and any other document, or failure to exercise any option to terminate, shall not be construed as a waiver or tacit consent, and shall not affect the validity of
these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement or part thereof, or the right thereafter to enforce all of its provisions.


Article 22 – Entire Agreement

1. Deze voorwaarden en condities, samen met onze privacyverklaring and cookiebeleid, constitute the entire agreement between you and
Teeken & Teeken with regard to your use of this site and any resulting purchases.

2. Deze voorwaarden en condities zullen uitsluitend worden geïnterpreteerd en uitgelegd in het Nederlands en Engels. 
Alle mededelingen en correspondentie worden uitsluitend in die twee talen gevoerd.

3. Je gaat ermee akkoord ons te vrijwaren, te verdedigen en schadeloos te stellen van en tegen alle claims, aansprakelijkheden, schade, verliezen en
onkosten, met betrekking tot jouw schending van deze voorwaarden en toepasselijke wetten, met inbegrip van intellectuele eigendomsrechten en privacy rechten. Je zult ons onmiddellijk een vergoeding geven voor onze schade, verliezen, kosten en uitgaven die verband houden met of voortvloeien
uit dergelijke vorderingen.


Article 23 – Updating General Terms and Conditions

We may update these terms and conditions from time to time. The date at the beginning of these terms and conditions is the last revision date. We will notify you in writing of any changes or updates, and the revised terms will be effective as of the date we provide you with such notice. Your continued use of this site after any changes or updates are made will be deemed to constitute notice of your acceptance to comply with and be bound by these terms.


Article 24 – Choice of law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by the law of the Netherlands. All disputes relating to these general terms and conditions are subject to the jurisdiction of the court in the Netherlands. If any part or provision of these terms and conditions is held by any court or other authority to be invalid and/or unenforceable, such part or provision will be modified, deleted and/or enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law so as to effectuate indicate the intent of these conditions.
The other provisions remain unaffected.

Article 25 –

Discounts apply to all jewelry bundles. The amount of these discounts may vary per bundle. The discount applies to the bundle and not to the individual pieces of jewelry in the bundle. Individual pieces of jewelry from a bundle cannot be returned. Only the entire bundle can be returned. The same conditions apply to returning bundles as to individual pieces of jewelry.